The Salt Of The Earth

Happy Birthday to my parents; The Salt Of The Earth.

I could break down into a million pieces of emotions when thinking or talking about my parents. When choosing what to title this bit about them, there was no other words to describe them other than The Salt of the Earth.

Salt is vital to live and good health on planet Earth. The mineral is found in blood, sweat and tears.

In many different chapters and verses of the Bible, salt is referenced. When Jesus spoke about it, He spoke of Christians who needed to live as pure as possible to maximize their ability to “flavor” or bless others through their good works. If believers lost their “flavor” they would be of no benefit to others.

My parents; The Salt Of The Earth, have done just that. They have blessed everyone who’s had the privilage of crossing their path with their ‘good works’…with their blood, sweat and tears. They have never lost their flavor, even when they’re sharing it with the ones they’ve touched.

I can’t tell you how many times since becoming a parent I’ve asked myself, “How can they need me when I still need them”. I felt like, I can’t be their parent when I still feel like a child who needs my parents. But, naturally, because of my parents unwavering love they have proven to me again and again that it can be both. They didn’t pass a torch to me and all of a sudden, I’m grown up and I am supposed to have it all figured out. They’re right beside me. They do it with me. We do it together. They applaud me when I’m doing well, they are extending a hand when I’m slipping, a listening ear when I’m crumbling and they are loving arms wide open when I just need to be their daughter.

There has been people who told me that my connection with my parents still runs too deep. That I lean in on them too much still. That I have “my own family now”. Well, what I say to them is, maybe that’s how it goes in your family but it’s not how it is in mine. My parents have enriched my family’s lives in more ways than we could ever thank them or give back to them. I am a part of them and they are a part of me. I’ll never take it for granted that my parents are here with me to continue shaping me and have a hand in shaping my children.

My parents are born on the same day-even the year. They couldn’t be any more different. But the combination of their personalities and their qualities makes the most beautiful, power couple. Not the power couple like Jay Z & Beyonce. A bigger and more beautiful power. A power to make people feel invited, special, loved and heard. They have a relationship that’s playful banter, a painfully beautiful love story filled with grit, forgiveness and passionate love. A lot of times, different interests but their foundation is unbreakable and it’s the same. Their core foundation is their love for our family.

My parents and I have this really special connection and love. Our love and relationship has unfolded time and time again and each time, it continues to get bigger. I didn’t even know that I could possibly love them more but then I do more each and every day.

I can’t tell you how pivital the past three years have been-ya know…the part where their baby had babies. It’s no surprise that my favorite people are each others favorite people. Seeing my parents as grand parents has truly been the most special part of my. whole. entire. life.

Mom and Dad, you show up. You show up with flavor, every single day. You enrich our lives so much every day and it puts me to bed thanking God every single night for blessing my family with the two of you. I never want to live in a world where you aren’t in it. You have given me 34 years of love, happiness, truth (both good and bad). You’ve supported me, taught me lessons and taught me that kindness trumps everything else.

You’ve been teaching me even when you don’t know that you are. And I’m taking notes on every word you say and everything you do so that I can raise my kids the way you raised me. A recipe for the most incredible bond for life. There has never been a conversation off limits, a day that you’re too busy for us (whether it’s at work or you’re on vacation). Or anything your kids could do to change your love. You are there.

Thank you for being my constant. My safe place. My heart.

Thank you for the love you pour into our family over and over again.

This birthday may look a little different because we can’t celebrate you the way you deserve to be celebrated. With that said, more importantly than the day, I’m more excited for this next decade. It will be even better than the last one and the one before that and the one before that because I think everyone is finally here. Your family is complete.

Sixty has never been sweeter. Happiest birthday to my parents; The Salt Of The Earth.

I love you more than yesterday but not as much as I’m going to tomorrow.

Love, Sissy

Find joy in all of your journey

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