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Must Have Baby Products (6-9 month old baby)

(This blog post has affiliate links that I may get a commission for but all products are given my true review on and not paid to advertise)

It’s time to talk about favorite products for babies 6-9 months old. These are my must have, most used, and share worthy products to share with you!

Skip Hop Plat Mat

Now that my baby is sitting up, tipping over, arming crawling, and learning to become mobile, this mat is perfect. I put him down to play on this mat all the time and it’s easier for him to try to crawl around. It’s not squishy or soft, so he can get a good grip and move it! I don’t have to worry about putting him on our floors with harsh chemical cleaning products. I clean this with his baby friendly cleaner and he’s good to go.
Plus, it’s in our family room so I love that it;’s not a complete eye sore. It also comes in cream/grey combo. I know there’s a lot of competitive brands that have put this product out and I’m sure they’re great too. But I can/t comment on them because I’ve never tried them. Skip Hop’s is easy to put together, durable, easy clean up, and a great size.

Wooden Activity Cube Maze

If you’re like me and try to keep your baby’s stuff mostly non toxic and natural materials, you’ll love this developmental toy. My little guy can play with this forever. My favorite thing about it, it really challenges him. I want to say the box said this was for a child one years old or older but one day when we had a challenging day of him being fussy, I pulled it out of my storage where I keep all of his baby shower gifts that aren’t his age yet and gave it to him. He LOVES it! Notice how your baby’s hands tremble a bit and you can tell that their brain is trying to signal to their hands how to work properly? I feel like this toy really makes him work on his hand movements, grip, and learning techniques.


OHH, the fun we are having during feeding time lately. I’ve been trying to put my anxiety in check and allowing my little one to feed himself but the struggle is real! He LOVES to chuck his bowl on the floor and make big messes. That’s when I remembered to bust out my ez pz mat! It sticks to the table and he can’t pick it up and throw it. Sorry bud! The happy mat is cute because you can put different kinds of foods in each section. We started BLW feeding in the past month so it’s nice having the different sections. We also have the EZ PZ bowl.

Saftey first sounds n’ lights baby walker

So, I can’t even tell you what brand of a walker I have because it’s such garbage. It’s a long story but in a nut shell, it was the one thing I didn’t register for or get from my baby shower. Also, didn’t want one because I thought about my walls and furniture being banged up. But, now I have my baby and I see that it’s important to give him learning tools to help him walk
9or whatever his milestone is) so I went out and got a cheap junky one and that’s what it is. BUT my mom has this one at her house and he does great moving around in it, he loves being in it, and it can move different heights. There may be even cooler, better ones out there. But, this one I know is great and it’s not bad for pricing either. My mom had it from my niece and it was a hand me down from someone else, so I’d say it’s durable as well. Looks brand new!

The Baby Dam

You’re looking at this price right now and thinking WTF right now, right? The baby dam is the Holy Grail! I LOVE this so much. Pano LOVES the water, he loves his bath time. This allows me to put him in a full sized bath, right on his bottom, but shorten the tub to his size. It also saves water not filling up a whole tub for a little baby. He absolutely loves chillin in the bath without having to be in a seat or “not really” in the water. It gives me peace of mind that I know he’s not going to tip back and fall under the water. Maybe that’s a first time mom thing, maybe not. But we are obsessed.

myBaby SoundSpa Lullaby Sound & Projection

I just asked my husband what he thought our favorite things are that we use all the time for the baby and this was his pick. He’s right. We use this every single night. Pano moved to his crib at 5 months and was a BREEZE getting into his crib right away. It was no big deal at all. But every night when we put him in his crib, we turn on his sound machine, turn the projector on (fishies on the ceiling), and set the timer for a half hour. He gets so excited when he sees the fishies and the sounds soothe him to sleep. Maybe that is a reason he was easy to transition to his crib, maybe not, but either way it’s what we do! The price is great, it works well, love that it has a timer and 6 options for sounds.

Bunnies by the bay best friend

Also my husbands pick, lol. Where there’s Pano, there’s lovie. My baby boy LOVES his lovie so much!!! How baby girl’s maybe have a cute little baby doll, he has his lovie. When he’s sleepy or upset, you give him lovie and he is comforted and happy. He sleeps with him every night. I used to go pull it out of the crib when he fell asleep because again, first time mom, paranoid about ANYTHING in the crib, but now, he’s got that little thing white knuckle gripped in his hands and there’s no taking him! When lovie needs a spin through the laundry machine, I have to be very careful about timing! This is also something I never thought I’d give my child because I didn’t want him to be six walking around with this but I actually bought it for him when I was going out of town just for something to make him smile. He became attached. and Now so did I because he’s just so cute with it!

Eddie Bauer 3-in-1 Carrier

So many carriers, which one to choose. Everyone’s got their favorites and some of them are REALLY expensive! I didn’t need anything too expensive because I’m not going hiking with my baby anytime soon or on the regular. And where I live/how I live, I just don’t really need a carrier for much. It was great for traveling and it’s good for quick run ins places but besides that, not much use for it. This one is light weight, breathable, straps around your waist too so you’re not hurting your back, easy to use and good quality. AND it doesn’t break the bank! If you’ve got trips coming up or you’re a baby wearing parent, this is a great option!

Kirkland Baby Wipes

Weird product to put on here, right? That’s what I thought when my two friends told me about them. I was like, really? You’re pitching these wipes at me like you own the product? What’s the difference between wipes? They even bought me a box, lol. And now I know why! These wipes are thick, a big sheet, and don’t fall apart! You only need a couple of wipes for a big mess! The packs are really big and they come in a big box. You can use them on baby’s face or body and they don’t irritate their skin too! Other brands I’d use 5 wipes for one dirty diaper and go through packs so fast. They’d dry up and would fall apart. Kirkland wipes for the win, for sure!!!

Graco Bumper Jumper

Anything to keep babe entertained! My little guy loves jumpy, jumpy, jumpy on this thing! A great way to keep you little mover contained and entertained while you get things done around the house! This thing is my life saver to get things done! Bonus, burns off some energy for a good nap!!!!

I hope you love these products as much as we do. If you missed my 4-6 month old baby products, check those out because there’s still a lot of the products that we still use and love so much!!!
4-6 month old baby must have products

(click link above if you missed it)

What are your favorite products for this age group? Share some of your favorite products with me! Or any sort of pointers, knowledge, or thoughts on this age group.


Find joy in all of your journey,

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